Holistic Healer and Massage therapist with over 17 years experience.
I have been a practising therapist and healer for over 17 years, working in gyms, spas, offices, events, and private homes, and I am now based at the Haelan Clinic in Crouch End. I always had an interest in healing and would give massages to friends and family whenever they requested it.
I only decided to train formally however, after I was struck down with a mystery illness in 2001. I was in constant, severe pain which stopped me from walking, and I lost an alarming amount of weight because I couldn’t keep anything down. Of the numerous medical professionals I saw over a period of 5 months, not one was able to pinpoint the cause of my symptoms, and everything they prescribed only made me feel worse. Out of desperation, I began to listen to my body. I rested, ate very lightly, and ‘spoke’ to the part of my body that held this pain. Doing this was a revelation and was the first step in really understanding how the mind, body and spirit truly work in harmony. I was healed within a month!
I never found out what my illness was, but it ignited my interest in the body’s amazing ability to heal itself, and in 2002, I enrolled on an ITEC complementary therapies course where I gained ITEC qualifications in 7 therapies. I became a Reiki master in 2004 and started time therapies in 2005. I choose time because Oge actually means time in Ibo, one of the 3 main Nigerian languages, so essentially, these are Oge’s therapies!
Because of my personal experience, I have a profound interest in integrated holistic healing. I believe persistent physical problems can be caused at a fundamental level by emotional/energetic imbalances in the emotional /energetic field. So, I not only treat the outward symptoms, but aim to treat the whole person, tailoring my treatments to the individual needs of my clients.
In the last 6 years, I have been developing angelic light healing- using light ‘given’ to me by angels and other light beings to heal specific conditions such as benign tumours and digestive issues, as well as stabilising or easing chronic pain.
I also practice pet healing, particularly cats and dogs. Animals are a joy to treat as they have no resistance and will easily accept healing if they need it. If not, they will simply walk away!
As well as my regular practice, I currently teach ITEC massage, Reiki and other holistic therapies at City Lit college, London, as well as co-ordinating tutors/courses there.
I am a member of the Complementary Therapists Association and fully insured with them.
IHHT Qualified in:
ITEC Diplomas in: